First number published June, 1979. Six numbers were issued (last – 1980, had two parts).
Vladas Šakalys was the editor of first five numbers. Main publishers were Vladas Šakalys, Antanas Terleckas and Julius Sasnauskas. Vytautas Bogušis and Robertas Grigas issued last two numbers after arrest of A. Terleckas and J. Sasnauskas. Izabelė Skliutaitė – Navarackienė contributed.
The magazine was devoted to social and political issues magazine. Historical, publicistic articles, publications of documents (Ribbentrop – Molotov pact, Baltic Appeal) that denounced soviet propaganda, russification and soviet regime were published.
Part of numbers reached West, were reprinted.
Multiplied by a typewriter. Size: 15x21 cm. Volume: 46-116 p.
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